Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Pussification of the Republican Party I

There has never been a time where the Republicans were faced with a more crushable set of opponents.  What 2020 is shaping up as is better than 2016 when Hillary, one of the post despised creatures on the political scene, lurched and shambled to the leadership of her party.

But what happened in 2016 was, or should be, a cautionary tale of the greatest magnitude.  Hillary SHOULD have been crushed beyond recognition.  She was crooked as the day is long (look up what she did, or tried to do to the Matrix Company down here in Florida) and really really disliked by everybody.  In fact, if there was ever a unifying moment, it was when Hillary became a public figure.  Think about it.  Think about the things that united us as a nation, united irrespective of political party, race, gender, age...

  • Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
  • King George III
  • 9/11
  • Hillary Clinton
Am I right?  Of course I am.  Chelsea and Bill mock her when she isn't looking.  

So why, ladies and gentlemen, did she win the popular vote?  Why is she still, like a revenant emerging from her sepulcher, trailing pieces of shroud, lurching back to haunt us?

Ex-Clinton aide: Hillary will run again in 2020

The horrid story

There is a reason my friends.  The same damn reason that could elect Bernie Sanders.  It is because of the Pussification of the Republican Party.  Mitch McConnell is even selling hats on his website:
I'm just warming up.  More tomorrow, or in a day or two ...

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Real Donald Trump

I grew up in NY. I remember Trump back in the day. The Wollman Skating Rink had most new Yorkers chuckling at the ineptitude of government. But make no mistake, the guy was a loud mouth player. Unpleasant and "downscale". He was like some bad impersonation of a goomba low life italian on the borders of the Mafia.
Hey, yo, ya like gold? Fuck, I got a gold shitter. Here, sit on it. Nice huh? Know how much that shitter cost me? Don't ask.
Like that. Tony Soprano with out class. Dismissable. A NYC Character. The kind of guy you would never socialize with and you probably would not trust as far as you could throw.

Now, I have also loathed and despised Hillary Clinton since she chaired the committee that put together a proposal for redoing health insurance. She was phony to the core and made my skin crawl.

Where Trump was a crude buffoon, I saw her as a real danger.

When they ran against each other, for me it was an almost mechanical decision.

Hillary = Vote Other

I will not pretend that this decision was entirely rational. But I also related to the promises that he made, things he would do upon taking office. ... actv02.pdf
The very fact that he mentioned some of these things (term limits??!!!?!!) made an impression.

Anyway. He got elected. And the "resistance" began. I am not sure why it started but it started before he was inaugurated. The left/democrats have done everything imaginable to assure that Trump's presidency was a failure. I have never seen anything like it. And it is as bad as the result of any possible Russian interference with the election, they are doing their level best, on every front, to undermine and destroy the result of our election. The Kaveneugh thing, the "collusion" thing now the Ukraine thing.  Yeah, it is a slow coup.

The net of this is that, contrarian as I am, I really support Trump now. Fuck them and the horse they rode in on. It is, once again, not about Trump, it is about them.

But I have a question. The left characterizes Trump as a racist. They characterize everyone they don't agree with as a racist so, to me at least, the term is devoid of meaning. So ... is he a racist? They cite remarks he made after the Charlottesville events. I investigated. He said absolutely nothing that a reasonable person would disagree with. His remarks might even be viewed as conciliatory. So I ask again, is he a racist?

Aside from being a boor, what evils has he committed? The left responds to him in a stereotypical way, almost Orwellian.

Anyway, done with the rant of the day.